
emergency care
blood donation

How to Cite

Farrokhi, P., Taboulet, P., Levy, A., & Boutmy, D. (2021). HOW TO PREVENT AND TREAT VASOVAGAL SYNCOPE AT ITS EARLY STAGE? Comment prévenir et traiter un malaise vagal à son début?. Mediterranean Journal of Emergency Medicine, (20), 35-38. Retrieved from


Parasympathetic system activation is generally known as the origin of vasovagal syncope. As a matter of fact, the sympathetic system activation is the major trigger of vasovagal syncope. The association of hyperventilation or hyperexcitability neuromuscular syndrome can also play an important role as a trigger. A good knowledge of these mechanisms may help to prevent and treat the vasovagal syncope at its early stage. The treatment of vagal reaction relies on: supine position, contractions of the muscles of the lower limbs for about ten minutes, reduction of the ventilation rate.


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