
dimmed vision
eye redness
eye pain

How to Cite

SALEH, M., Castelbou, M., Delbosc, B., & Henriot , C. (2021). URGENCES MÉDICALES EN OPHTALMOLOGIE CONDUITE À TENIR. Mediterranean Journal of Emergency Medicine, (23), 33-41. Retrieved from http://mjemonline.com/index.php/mjem/article/view/46


Ophthalmological emergencies are of diverse etiology and severity while warning signs are less diverse. In front of cardinal signs that are redness, pain and impaired vision, it is necessary for emergency physician to structure the diagnostic process. Some of these situations require an urgent ophthalmologic care as in acute angle-closure glaucoma or endophthalmitis. The neuro-ophtalmic emergencies, in turn, must be imperatively identified because of the vital risk involved. The emergency physician will be able to, through appropriate interrogation, optimize patient care and to refer him to the ophthalmologist based on level of appropriate emergency. In case of experience and suitable equipment, he will also carry out a slit-lamp examination that will help him detect the most obvious defects and in some cases to achieve an adapted treatment such as extraction of a foreign body from cornea or under eyelid.



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