
Emergency medical assistance system
emergency physician
general practitioner
medical consultation
medical regulation

How to Cite

TAZAROURTE, K., Piednoir, A., Foudi, H., Foudi, L., & Cesareo, E. (2021). ANALYSE qUALITATIVE DU CONSEIL MÉDICAL DONNÉ PAR LES MÉDECINS GÉNÉRALISTES ET URGENTISTES DU SERVICE D’AIDE MÉDICALE URGENTE. Mediterranean Journal of Emergency Medicine, (23), 15-20. Retrieved from


Introduction: The role of medical regulation of the Emergency Medical Assistance system in France (SAMU) in reducing the use of health care services is suggested due to the possibility of giving medical consultation to applicants. Depending on the type of initial call, a phone consultation is given by a general physician or an emergency physician. This work’s aim was to characterize the consultation activity of medical regulation within a regional reception and dispatching center for emergency calls (CRRA) and the impact of such consultation on the use of health care services.

Materials and method: The study is prospective, monocentric, describing the type of medical consultation given by general practitioners or emergency physicians along with follow up within 48 hours from these consultations.

Results: Among medical regulation records randomly captured from CRRA over a period of one week, and after matching the records, general practitioners mainly gave simple therapeutic consultation (69% vs. 22% for the emergency physicians, p < 0.001), while emergency physicians advised the use of medical consultation. A follow up after 48 hours showed that medical consultations were rather followed with a majority of patients satisfied with a simple therapeutic advice. No medical complications related to consultation had been detected.

Discussion: This preliminary study confirms the significant number of calls to SAMU seeking medical consultation and the crucial role of general practitioners in a SAMU medical regulation, to limit the use of health care services.



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